
Friday, August 1, 2008

Rovanieme to Inari 30 July


The ride from Rovanieme started in glorious sunshine, cool but sunny. It was a "motorway" day as it seemed I had about 400k to ride but it turned out to nearer 300k. The road itself is the only road through Lapland it seems so a real tourist route. Lots of Camper vans, motor bikes, and some trucks. The road was actually pretty good. It seems the EEC fund these main tourist routes. The first stop was for breakfast at the Sany Claus town. There is no reason for this place to exist but it does, right on the actic circle, and for the gps fans its about 66 degrees north.
The road was flat, the view was pretty much the same, flat, birch trees, and grass with the odd house, painted red. I sidetracked to the town where the amethyst mine is, which was mainly a ski town and not much happens in the summer, well there is no snow if thats summer, other than seeing my first reindeer. The thrill soon wore off as there were lots of them and they liked to walk down the road. They are a stange animal. Hence the pictures
And thats about it, so the mind starts to wander. Some things repeatable some not. I recall our headmaster explaining why the cavalry dismounted and walked every 40 minutes or so, thats one of the unrepeatables. Then I got to wondering about morality, which I do a lot after having experienced some of the worst behaviour in commerce imaginable. The legal fraternity ( are they a profession ?) to name but one, are a sad greedy lot, and the finance sector would make the crime scene in russian ( which I hear is pretty tough) stand in awe. I read recently that the next PM of Britain made a strong statement about morality. I hope the next PM of New Zealand and everywhere else as well, takes note. I was contemplating the downfall of Rome and the widely attributed moral decay of the time, well, as they say history repeats itself.
The north of Finland which they call Lapland is a pretty place. Lots of trees and lakes and swift rocky rivers. If the "thaw" ie no snow, lasted longer than a few months this would be a tourist mecca.
So I made it to Inari. Not without geting rained on sadly. Its not the rain so much its getting all the clothing on. An extra layer on everything and getting gloves on top of gloves is frustrating. However as Billy Connolly says there is no such thing as bad weather, just inadequate clothing !
I chose a Hotel for my last night in Finland, and the Sauna by the river was good, however the salted reindeer stew I had for dinner was excellent.