
Saturday, January 24, 2009

23 January Ajanta to Amravati

The ride through the countryside when away from the main truck routes are great. These are pictures from "along the road".

I really find the Indian countryside a pleasant place to ride of course that means it is necessary to disregard the the driving, the roads, the congestion of animals bikes people and so on.

As for Amravati, I can find nothing to support any justification at all for ever going to that place again.

I had to get a Policeman to find a hotel for me, and then having put the cover on the bike and as I had thought retired for the night I discovered that the security staff had taken off the cover in order to show their friends, sit on it and take pictures.

The Manager could not work out why I was annoyed. And I was !

This is the second time Hotel security staff has held a little side show after taking off the cover, and just one more of the reasons I rail about a lack of morality in commerce here. Not that it happened but that the management could not see why it shouldn't and why I was annoyed. And why was I, because I lost the lense cover in that escapade, and I still have a problem as a result of the tip over when I got hit by the truck that means another knock and I loose part of my handlebar and I would like to avoid that.
