
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

16th and 17th of Jan Sasan Gir

This is a very small town based on a few villages in the wilderness and a Lion reserve.
Why its called a Lion reserve is interesting as I think it should be a people reserve for Lions.
The day I arrived four young men went for a wlk to look for Lions....the lions ate one of them.
The next day a Lion that was living near a village and eating the odd buffalo was tracked by some young men on motorbikes, and one got mauled when they got too close.
But of course you guessed it......I spent a day driving round looking and could not even see one in a distance....dammit !
So that was Sasan Gir.
I must observe however that the Gujjarat countryside is fantastic.
This is so far the most "habitable" part of India.
Sorry still no order to get on the net I have to provide proof of identity ! Thats just to get on the must be joking ! But of course this is the IT capital of the world.....again you must be joking.
Their idea of attracting tourists is to charge a 500 rupee "camera" fee in the game parks. OK its $15 nz but they want tourists and tourists take pictures that attract their friends to visit so am I missing something here ?
