Wow what a ride !
It started pretty rough as there was a strike. Some civil servants were being transferred and objected. So they stopped the traffic. Burning tyres, burning branches across the road and angry young men that were obviously not involved but representing the threat to world peace. Stupid young men.
These ones had sticks and as I was passing took a swipe at me hitting the top box.....
I was pleased to be away and soon into the foothills.
Again the advice on road conditions was more than a bit off whack ! It started well enough as I climbed into the foothills. A magic climb up the mountainside to 1930 metres, and a glimps of the mighty Himalayas.
Well then it got rough and I say really rough. The locals were managing it on their light bikes but for me it was a "handful".
I spent a whole lot of money going on an "adventure" ride labeled the pretentious name of the "World Tour". I had more adventure on this ride than the whole Goat riders debacle. What a ride. It had everything including a water crossing, steep ups and downs and a surface that ranged from stones, to dust and everything between.
It was just amazing and 24 hours later I am still feeling stretched muscles, and no I didn't bite the dirt but I inhaled plenty of dust !
Khatmandu was a shock. Its slums on the river and its full on commercialism. Hotel was good though. Internet, clean, and polite people ! Goodmorning can I help you sir ! Culture shock.
Hope I got some OK pics of the ride and the road. The shot with the bike has a background of road not a shingle slide !