My last day. It has been rough and tough. The roads bloody terrible to fantastic, the countryside, I loved and the cities I hated. The attractions other than the Taj Mahal were frankly disappointing. The poverty and the dirt and the rudeness just plain unpleasant. As my Granny said politeness costs nothing. Perhaps they have the wrong Grannies ! They sure do have something wrong to live in such poverty and be so miserable.
However the last days ride included the dreadful and the wonderful.
Lets see what inages I can create that reflect the countryside.
Even getting across the border was a shambles. Immigration do not have lighting, so riding past is easy. Customs was a man in the street that stopped me and took me to an unlit office for processing the Carnet. I do not have a passport stamp I said. You do not need one, just go ! I objected but was told to move on.
I was sent back by Nepal to find the Immigration (Police) and get my stamp. Well there you go.
So you guessed it I was again loking for a Hotel in the dark. And I found one and the man was smiling and said welcome ! Aaah a new land !