What a hell of a day. I got the "dinkum oil" on the road to take......well of course when you get over the hill you just pick up speed so a was off and running and not realizing I was on the wrong road.
The pics, the "bridge" and party of the beauty of the paddy field. The rural area is great.Sorry about my humour but I couldn't resist "port and sta'board"
Well I got the firsyt 25k right then I must have missed a turn. I had ridden the "bad" section I was warned of, and then came a really good road. The countryside was like nothing else. Magnificent. And you know what no traffic, I should have known better.
Soon the good road got a little narrower, then even narrower, and finnally pretty bad just before it petered out in a river bed.
That was a ooohh shit moment. Then I realised people were walking and not out so I carried on and there was a approach to a culvert through which the water was passing and suffient hard fill to ride over. So I did.
The far bank revealed a suprise, as there was a swing arm barrier manned by a bunch of kids. They asked for 30 rupee. I just sat there. After a while they were getting uneasy so I offered 10 rupees which was accepted and away I went.
The road improved as well. So that was good as I made the half way town. I was then back on the actual road.
So then in succession I got good bad, over a hill on good, bad, over another range of Indias version of the Swiss Alps, or what Yanks ( we need to call them something because American covers a continent) call twisties, then bad, then atrocious, then 10k of truck jam. They are a nightmare. Trucks all over the road. Often caused by a railway crossing that they close for up to 40 minutes at a time. So then the trucks line up on the left and cars and bikes line up on the right totally blocking the road. Yep you can see what happens when the barriers go up. Not much ! What a crazy business.
So again I arrived in the dark.
Allahabad is the point of confluence where the Ganges and the Yamuna and a mythical River the Saraswati meet at the "confluence" which are special to Hindu's and this one the most sacred, known as the Sangam.
So I was here to "see" that.