One of the disciplines that I enjoy is obtaining the necessary "green card" insurance.
So away I went to the Information Office. It was at the Bazaar, a huge octopus of a thing with tentacles reaching out in caverns and alleyways. A great mass of traders selling everything imaginable.
However I digress. The man I needed arrived and off we went to the Insurance office. The insurance was arranged, full cover for two weeks, and then off to the Bank to pay the premium of $6 and then back to the Insurance office for the policy. Quite a bargain I thought.
So soon after I was on my way .
More coloured hillsides. The brown soil has many colour patterns which makes it look a little like a huge marble cake.
So it was down the motorway in the cold with the usual tooting and waving. They really do make me feel a bit like the Duke. No reason to be a celebrity at all, but they toot and wave all the same.
Tanjin. Not much to say about Tanjin.