Well I was finally away thanks to Tabatabie at the Consulate. He will never know how grateful I am.
I thought I did well. Got away early. Then 10k down the road the world turned white. I managed a few more k's before the helmet lens froze so I opened it to see and my glasses froze.
Fortunately a garage appeared and I went in, got fuel and retreted to the office where there was already a crowd. Two locals and three traffic Police. It was the Policeman that offered me a Chai, which I gratefully accepted, and then he took to my helmet with some demister/anti fog that he found. I was very grateful.
They said 40k then sunshine, in their best pantomime acting. I was pleased and left but not so pleased when it lasted 100k. Finally I came over a 2200m pass and sunshine.
It stayed that way as I rode through the brown villages in the brown countryside with the brown sheep. Wide valley floors and steep sided hills and snow caps.
Finally over the brow of a large hill and there in the distance was Mount Ararat. I then spent the rest of the day approaching it.
Finally making its base as the sun sank and I rode into Dogbiscuit in deepening gloom.
It was a dark dank dirty place and I searched for a Hotel. I stopped on a corner to have a look around and was enveloped in a mass of dark faces very close, arms waving and the babble of Otel...Otel...Otel..... so I followed a man claiming to be the owner back up the street. That was the last I saw of him as I rdoe the bike in through the front doors to park in the Lobby.
Very convenient. The man who now appeared in control laughed as I took a picture, "everyone take picture" he said.
He said there were two restaurants, I found one and the lentil soup and ghoulash never tasted so good.