The Otel has a restaurant on top of the building so the view in the morning is fantastic.
The left pic is my Otel and the right where other people lived !
So I visited Avanos, famous for its ceramics; Goreme, the outdoor musues of old buildings and religous sites in the hillsides; and then to Kaymakli famous for an underground city (or two).
There were in fact I was told 26 of them. And connected by tunnels. Earthquakes have wrought havoc on them but two remain.
Originally Hittite settlement. They lived there to avoid detection, as did the Romans, some time later, then the christians (hiding from the Ottoman).
It was a very erie feeling. Thinking that people actually lived down there many levels down. And the pasage ways were not big ( apparently the hittites were small).
I have to say I was pleased to out of there.
Back to the town of Urgup for dinner in the square. Usual thing. I stop the bike. Anything from 1 to 5 people immediately appear. Where you from ? How old you ? Both answers causing a similar reaction of wonder/curiosity/amusement. However the first man up was the carpet merchant wanting to talk bikes. (First time a carpet man didn't try to sell me a carpet. He did reccommend the meatballs at the restaurant we were outside and I have to agree they were great. And I was lucky enough to have a local red wine which was pretty good, a turkish coffee and a Tiramisu. All for about 22ytl which was good. The accommodation cost 50ytl.
It was again a very cool day as winter approaches.