The road took me past My Olympus, which I sadly had some other huge mountains to compare with so its not much of a mountain and the sacred home of Zeuss lots all its glamour when I saw the sign to Mt Olympus skifield.
I carried on. I made Katerini and a Kantina (roadside fast food) for lunch. But I had a mission, I was looking for Vergina, and as usual very few signs, so I rod efor seemingly a long time and suddenly there was a small sign to the Royal Tombs. This was the Kumulus of Phillip II the father of Alexander the great and the man that I understand joined the Greeks as one nation. That was a long time ago. He was murdered and his son Alexander built the Kumulus, a tomb, or in this case several (four I think) with magnificent front doors and a tomb in which the ashes were placed with some belongings and sealed up, then the whole thing covered with a huge mound of earth. It was unbelievable to be at the door of this Tomb thousands of years old. It of course had been pillaged by grave robbers some many certuries ago, no matter how well meaning I have an abhorrance of these people that did up graves and claim some destinction as an "explorer"...yeah robber.
Anyway it was memorable, the only problem was that I then had a ride in the dark to Thessaloniki.
That worked out OK and I found a Hotel, and they sent me to a street with a fantastic restaurant. It was a very good day.