
Saturday, October 25, 2008

20 th Oct to Konstanz

I got off to a bad start with Garmin sending me on a wild goose chase to find a ADAC (the German AA) only to find the office had closed some years ago, 30k wasted, so I kept checking as I progressed across Germany across a flat cultivated land. I had left the Rhine gorges behind and was in tractor country.
The Europeans have a way of keeping old roads so intead of upgrading they build a new one and keep the old one. That makes for some great bike roads. Also they build feeder roads, little one lane roads that run alongside two lane roads for local traffic, walkers, bikers, tractors, prams, the lot and they are well used.
So I found myself in Konstanz, and pretty city too, only to find the ADAC was 30k back so off I went again to get my Insurance. Third party insurance is hard to find but the German ADAC does it. So another lost 70k, thanks Garmin.
While on my favorite hobby horse Garmin are one of those American Companies that are totally devoid of moral responsibility. Buy our product....rely on our product......but its so often simply totally wrong, in fact dangerously misleading....but do they care....not a bit, because I give them a lot of "feedback" you can imagine.
And yes the Americans are electing a new Ceasar to preside over their inevitable downfall, and not a moment too soon, their total lack of commercial morality has ruined the world economy. About the time the Ceasars were exiting a star rose in the east ( I think) and I wonder if the star of Islam also rising in the east......