A day to remember as I rode down the Rhine. The best bit was knowing it was coming but suddenly there it was.
I had ridden down an alley in a village looking for lunch and ended up beside the river. A number of river boats passing, restaurants, and across the river in the sunshine a castle syrrounded by grape vines of a multitude of colours.
The colours of autumn were everwhere and simply so vivid as to be overpowering.
Even the bad things were good, a car accident blocked the road, so the traffic was diverted. I found a side road and over the hilltop and back down to a small village called Bacharach. If you are evr on the Rhine, stop at this town and be amazed.
The river with its barges, houses, castles, grapes, trees, cliffs, are memorable.
Sadly I had to leave the river and made a stop in Frankenthaller a place that I hope never to have to visit again. It was so bad I had a big mac for dinner and went back to the smallest room I have ever shared with a toilet and a shower.
I had ridden down an alley in a village looking for lunch and ended up beside the river. A number of river boats passing, restaurants, and across the river in the sunshine a castle syrrounded by grape vines of a multitude of colours.
The colours of autumn were everwhere and simply so vivid as to be overpowering.
Even the bad things were good, a car accident blocked the road, so the traffic was diverted. I found a side road and over the hilltop and back down to a small village called Bacharach. If you are evr on the Rhine, stop at this town and be amazed.
The river with its barges, houses, castles, grapes, trees, cliffs, are memorable.
Sadly I had to leave the river and made a stop in Frankenthaller a place that I hope never to have to visit again. It was so bad I had a big mac for dinner and went back to the smallest room I have ever shared with a toilet and a shower.