
The ride to the top north west of Scotland has been on the list given to me by my friend the pig farmer in Finland so today was the day to do it, and I was not disappointed. The unique nature of the scottish highlands has a beauty of its own. The cliffs are tall and rocky, the sea is clear and bright, the heather is purple and the streams with their red rocks are picture postcard perfect.
So I rode through the glens I guess, with lots of heather and sheep. One way roads, tar sealed but neat little roads weaving through the countryside. It was there I came across this Broch called Dun Dornaigil a shelter for the people from attack in about 200AD ( but not from Romans who didnt come this far north) when there was a land shortage.....hard to believe !
Then the towering cliffs of the North coast.
Down the West coast was amazing as well. I hope I captyred some of its charm and uniqueness.
I ended up after 500km on the Isle of Skye. 500k is a long way to get not very far, the GPS said 50k as the crow fliew but 112k by road. There are lots of Lochs and valleys and little fishing villages. It would be bleak in the winter thats for sure.