Whille at Rannock I learned that the Crieff Highland games were on the following day. That was too much to resist as they had a piping competition for the piebroch ( will check the spelling).
This was a great day out. The first two pipers were ladies from New Zealand, to my great suprise.
The pipe band competition contained a band from Oman (easily detected) and a band from the north of Spain with a rather different set of pipes but very distibctive music.
The Scot watching caught my eye.......and camera.
So after the games which were a delight of activity and sound, pipers everywhere, events in the arena, and band competitions all in the same location, all great entertainment, I was off to the silent north again, through Inverness, and on to the coast with the odd oil drilling platform at the wharf.
My destination was by chance Tain, the Royal Borough of Tain indeed as it seems not all of Scotland was following Bonnie Prince Charles to Cullodden Moore. I visited Cullodden moore. It is reaaly quite astonishing that the battle fields I have seen are all rather small. This one no exception. They could have called out to eachother and I believe they did, so one can only imagine the language they used before rushing at eachother and getting killed. The last picture is the cottage that still stands at Cullodden and was part of the scots battle plan....that failed.