The Carnet process is invaluable. In NZ it is administered by the AA, by a delightful fellow that has been with the AA for longer than I have been riding bikes I expect.
I would not have mentioned this but it needs to be said. If you are going to need a Carnet and will use the offices of the Auckland AA ( the only place you can get one), be prepared to get frustrated.
I was. I attempted to communicate my concern to the management of the AA and frankly felt from the reaction as if I had accused the AA of sinking the Rainbow Worrier. I had attempted to tell the hierarchy that the guy doing the Carnet job might do with some help.
The things that concerned me were poor advice; a lack of understanding of the process; lack of appreciation of risk; that the AA is there to assist members.....and so on.
Then I met another biker and he told me a similar story. The overstated risk and the need to ante up huge amounts of cash as security, delays, lacking understanding, and generally a frustrating experience.
Its a pity. The AA needs to lift its game. Sadly there is no one else, so if you are a member tell them their game is substandard. If you are going to need a Carnet, then be prepared for an unusual experience.