This is just an short entry to record I have made New Zealand.
The shiping experience was satisfactory. Delivered the bike to a depot in Brisbane and it obviously got to the boat.
Went to retrieve it and got the usual red tape bulldust, however found a helpful guy after a day sitting in their office and on Wednesday the 1st ( yeah April Fools day !) collected the bike and headed south. Great ride down to Taupo. Stayed the night and the next day to the ferry to the South Island. Spent a night with family, and then on to a small village in the centre of the South Island after a stuning ride through the Buller Gorge to the West Coast then over the Arthurs Pass in the Southern Alps. I had forgotton how beautiful it was.
The next day it was a ride to Bluff. Made it at dusk as the sun set. Oysters and beer as I had promised then I just crashed.
Sadly the weather was poor for photography so I will cobble something together, but the beauty of the little country is so great that I will have to ride south again to get some good pics to show.
So the journey is over.
Sad that it is complete and also great joy.
I will write an epilogue but for now a big thanks to all those that have been in touch during the ride. It was great to have your company.