The ride from Thailand to Malaysia was simple. The border crossing was to say the least casual. I did track down someone that finally stamped an exit entry in my passport and Malaysia was similar. Did get a stamp but no one looked at the bike or the documents, so hope I can get out when the time comes.
And the time is taking longer as I can not find a ferry to take me and the bike to Indonesia. There must be one. Failing that its a boat ride direct from Singapore to Darwin. That would mean missing Indonesia, Bali and Dili and that would be a pity, so lets see what happens.
Malaysia is hot and busy. The motorways are toll free for bikes. Fortunately as I had no local money. Thought I was pretty snaert until it came to the bridge to Penang. Toll 1.40 Ringit, so after 10 minutes of smiling and shrugging they finally accepted 20 Baht and let me cross.
Penang has very much the "colonial" feel, similar to Brisbane. Its a pleasant place but very warm. The "location" or where am I on the blog actually does show my position on Google Earth, and if you zoom in far enough yesterdays Spot send was by the pool I was very pleased to be in !
So its more searching for ferries and then perhaps I may get to the Highlands. The Hill Country Estates, where the "Brits" escaped the heat apparently and grew Tea.
Sounds interesting.