This visit will not be recorded in detail as I hope to be stationary for a good part of it.
The trip started in England followed by a ferry ride to Spain. Bilbao was the port of disembarkation. Along the coast to Santander. A very attractice coastal city with a modern Castle on a headland built for the King by public subscription in about 1911.
Then along the Coast and down to Leon. Its an old city with a hotel ( part of a chain of about 50) that are throughout Spain and located in historic buildings. This one in a Monastry built in about 1500. A very fascinating experience.
Next day away to Portugal.
The hills of Portugal were as magnificent as they were unexpected. The feeling of being in Switzerland was real but it was not, the atmosphere somehow different. Lots of small vilages dug into mountainsides and huge steep hills. The weather was not my friend yet again. More rain so next day back to Spain, to Alvia. Another huge suprise. A walled town. Apparently the "best" wall in Spain, it looked like new but built 500 plus years ago. The days destination was El Escorial. This was the Palace built by the King of Spain around 1100. An austere construction built in the country, but fascinating to visit.
This days destination was Cormona as Madrid was left for wheatfields, and olives, and yes you guessed it a small village on a hilltop. The Paradore in the castle was full so the hotel nearby also on the top of the hill was chosen. A spanish village with tiny narrow streets. Tapas bars and lots a talking smoking and drinking, (thats the locals) but a great spanish experience.
Then the next day, it was more wheatfields cotton and olives and riding south. Eventually to a small village clinging to a hill with a church on the top, this is Arcos de Frontera.
This will be a stop for a week or so subject to some touring around. But it is warm 34c and dry. After 35,000 kms it is good to be in one place for more than 3 nights, warm and dry.