Slow start after a night attempting to got nzl04 "on line", so I hope it worked and I am now visible to you all. I started with a visit to Turku Castle. It is old but rebuilt several times. It has history including the occupation by the Swedes who made Turku the capital, and later the incaceration of King Eric of Sweden in the late 16th century, apparently he was insane. Its not much of a castle either.
So I left via Naantali where I saw the "big" seagull. Not much of a threat for the big pineapple or the big banana but there it is.......
The coast was pretty, lots of boats, inlets, rocky points, all good stuff for a boatie. So I made Vaasa in time to find a camp ground, talk to a couple of locals and try my first night of camping. Despite the sun shining in at 10 pm it got very cold.
The Finns love to ride motor bikes, I have never seen so many motor bikes on any road and that includes the US. and they love to go camping.